Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bread of Ginger, House of Candy

I think Misty and I had to reschedule our gingerbread house-making night three times before we finally were able to find a date that worked for both of us, and that was before December even started.  What do you mean, the holidays are crazy? No idea. We thought about maybe 4 different nights in December and none of them were free for us both, so we finally picked the last Sunday in November, which ended up being a great idea - the night before December 1st, just the right night to kick off Christmas.

We had a great dinner together, we enjoyed musical performances - all the Mayfield girls singing and playing together as well as a very rocking' guitar solo from their 16 year old son, who was encouraged by his father to crank up the distortion.  We are not the parents our parents were, I suppose.  Turn up the volume on that ACDC, boy!

So I felt extra dumb this year.  Misty didn't even decorate a house! She was nice and let her kids do it! But I, like always, shoved mini gingerbread houses, candy and frosting at my kids to distract them while I just let myself go to my own personal happy place obsessing over symmetry and matching color schemes.  Oh well, so be it.  I just love any chance we get to spend with the Mayfields.


Ann said...

Rachel, I met your darling daughter, Bitty, Friday, in her school class. I told her to tell you and Troy, but not sure if she remembered. Janis Farrell has been my friend since I was 5 years old! I love her. Another friend and I helped the kids in the classroom do a Christmas art project. It was so fun. Loved meeting your daughter. We miss seeing you guys. We lived in AZ for 8 years but moved back 1 1/2 years ago. Merry Christmas!!

Misty said...

I totally did decorate a house, just a few days later in the quiet and solitude that I craved. :) OCD friends unite. haha! I think that should be our new tradition, Rach … help the kids decorate their houses when our families get together and then you and I have our own separate night to decorate our own houses. :)