Sadly, there was one show I just wasn't able to go see. And that was my all time favorite 80's rock star. That would be Howard Jones.
Is there anyone out there more classically 80's and so very fun even still today? Maybe, but not in my book. He was the best. I received for Christmas one year, I think in 8th grade, his cassette tape of Dream Into Action. My sister was so jealous. Probably the first and last time she was ever jealous of something I had. I loved him so much. But when he came in concert to Park West, my mom deemed me too young to go. I'm sure she was right - this was probably '87. And yet it just wrenched me apart to miss it. He came again in 89 and for some other reason I couldn't go. Pretty much every person I know who was over the age of 16 in 1989 went to that concert. Oh how I wish I could have been there to see him in all his 80's glory. That white mohawk and pegged parachute pants and synthesizers everywhere. But no. I never did see him.
I know he came to Utah from time to time but somehow I just never got the chance.
And then, this February of 2018, may the date be remembered forever, I heard that Howard Jones himself was to appear for 5 nights in a row at a small theater in Park City. Luckily I have a dear husband who was totally supportive of us going even in the middle of the week, even getting a babysitter for our too-old-for-sitters kids because I knew they'd be a little freaked out about us being gone that long. (Bless you niece Kate and nephewish Cameron for helping us.)
The theater was indeed small, and we knew from previous experience of going to shows of old 80's stars in Park City that the crowd would be rather on the aged side. But that was all good. We sat in our seats and expected no fanfare or opening band as the stage contained naught but one keyboard and a stool. And an iPad.
The show was called "Howard Jones, the songs and the stories." After the show was introduced, the man himself strode onto stage looking as cool as he ever did, and even though the mohawk was gone his hair is delightfully silver blond and still rebelliously spiky, I'm happy to say. I was floored to discover that Howard is actually in his mid 60's and has been married to the same person since 1977. Who knew!!?? That is so awesome.
The man just sat down and started talking and telling stories, and then he'd play a song. His voice is as wonderful as it ever was. Not everyone who was famous in the 80's sounds as great as they used to. Just ask Troy about the time we went to see Alphaville in 1998. Not good. But Howard sounded just the same and we were amazed at his skill at the keyboard. I guess I kind of always connected him with electronic music, which is true, but he can seriously play. He's fanTASTIC.
So yes, my teenage dream finally came true. HoJo remains my 80's hero.
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