Spring Break 2018!!
One little issue I'm having with post-event blogging is that I can't remember very clearly exactly what happened. So that's another motivation for me to blog more regularly - I need the blog so I have some idea what has happened in my life because I clearly can't remember otherwise. Very encouraging sign. Sigh.
Okay, so it was Spring Break, end of March. The girls and I drove away from a chilly SLC to St. George to get some sun and cousin time. Troy decided to not take the days off of work, and Chase didn't join us because he went to San Fransisco. I'll tell you about that in a minute. I didn't have many days to spend in St. George because I needed to be home by the week's end so I could make it to The Becky's daughter's wedding (!!!!!). More on that in a second as well. So with these quick few days we just made a dash for St. George. We didn't see too much of Sheri because she is very busy - she's working three jobs at the moment and is being AMAZING. I did bring her a swig at the Emergency Department where she's working as her dad's scribe - he's an ER doc. And also I got to go with her to one of the classes she teaches - a water aerobics class that I really enjoyed even though I was about 30 years younger than most of the other attendees. No biggie, I would go all the time if I could, it was awesome. Peter was also pretty busy with some cello stuff so I got to hang out with all the kids together, once at a Five Guys burger shop where the 7 of us consumed a massive amount of french fries while being stared at by most of the other customers. If Emma and Cara were twins, which they practically are, they could all have been my kids. I even fielded a couple of, "are those ALL yours?" questions which was kind of funny.
We did enjoy some sun-shiny time at the park with Peter and loved being together. I'm going to give a quick shout-out to my Romney while trying to not divulge too much information. She was really not feeling very well on this trip - something to do with a monthly struggle girls have - and her monthly struggles have been horrific. Horrific to the point of going to see a doctor. Already TMI I know, but I'll leave it at that. I'll just say that Romney really rallied and did her best to have a great time and enjoy her cousin time. I was proud of her and I love her.
We returned quickly from the trip because The Becky's daughter got married. That was surreal. I can only imagine how much more so for Becky than for me. Sorry, didn't we just BARELY get married? Didn't we have babies and toddlers and new kindergarteners like last year? Oh...I guess not. Becky's daughter Rachel graduated two years ago from high school. She went up to BYU Idaho and promptly met this boy whom she was clearly destined for. I do think it's pretty funny that she met him pretty much the first week and they immediately started dating seriously and a year later got engaged. Wham Bam that's all it took. It was tough seeing Becky go through the stress and anxiety and finances of all this. Not easy. But she survived and it was a really really lovely wedding day. The temps had warmed a lot from the beginning of the week and everything went great.
I was very honored to be a part of the day - I think I was there mostly so Becky had someone to look at with wide horrified eyes every once in a while as if to say, I can NOT believe I'm the mother of the bride! This is weird right? And I'd answer back with my own gaze of Yes this is definitely weird and you're doing great. Oh The Becky. She's so very beloved.
Okay so Chase. The thing about the first born child is that they require you to have answers to questions you didn't know were going to be asked. Such as, Can I go to San Fransisco with my friend and her mom and sister? (Yes, that was a feminine pronoun.) Uh.....are we supposed to know the answer to the question, "Do we let our children travel for Spring Break?" or "Do we let our children travel with their girl-buddies?" I don't know!! We decided to give it a try. After all, this cute girl has been one of Chase's best buddies for a couple of years now, and they were going with her mom and sister and two other friends. Chase was indeed the only boy on the trip which I think is kind of funny - I'm pretty sure it was more awkward for him that way.
From what we could tell, Chase had a great time. He and the gals spent a day in San Fransisco walking and seeing sights and enjoying street performers. They rented a beach house in Monterey where they spent a lot of time playing at the beach and also visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Knowing how much Chase loves the animal world I'm really excited for him that he was able to visit that amazing place. He didn't tell us a lot of details about his trip - he's not like his sisters who like to give us a play-by-play report of every experience they have, but from what I could squeeze out of him, ....it was fun. I think he's a lucky kid to have parents who let him go on a trip with friends. I'm not sure if he knows how lucky he is but maybe he'll figure it out at some point.
I'll post pictures if I can convince him to let me have some.
Oh yeah and Easter! Easter was the week of spring break. Let's see....I know we colored eggs. Even my teens still love doing that. This year though Chase hid the eggs instead of looking for them with the girls. That's definitely a perk of bigger kids. Delegation! Help! I'll take it. I think he had fun doing that - he seems to really dig being behind the scenes, one of the grown-ups instead of one of the kids. I remember feeling that way.
Okay, that's all I've got on Spring Break. Not too shabby, considering it was more than 3 months ago. Moving on to the next in my giant list of blog topics!!
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