TSFY: Theater School for Youth, which has now been changed to YTU: Youth Theater at the U
YC: Youth Conference
We had a close call with Theater School this year. That's the month-long camp that Romney attends at the UofU with the most wonderful theater director for kids, Penny. This was to be Romney's fourth year attending and she was really excited. You know, we all sort of give up a lot so Romney can attend. Not only is it money, but we really didn't travel this summer because we needed to be around for this and for Chase's weekend volunteering gig at the zoo. She was excited for theater school, though, and of course had no second thoughts about attending. That is...until she found out that our ward's Youth Conference was to be the same week as her performances and on days that she could not miss at theater school. (Youth Conference, by the way, is the name our church has for the annual summer trip for kids from 12-18.) Romney has grown so very close to the girls in her church group - really a wonderful circle of friends. And we thought she'd just miss one day of youth conference but AFTER YTU started we found out that we had the dates wrong and she would not be able to attend any of it.
Well...I'll just say it was really bad. Sobbing sobbing sobbing. Romney had to choose between YC and YTU and she very nearly gave up a whole month of camp in order to not miss the conference. We even talked about her not being a part of the performances at the end of camp so she could take off whenever she wanted to. My heart was breaking for her!! This has happened several times, that she has been heartbroken about something (the school play in middle school, missing youth conference, quitting cello) and there's just nothing I can do but be in her pain with her and that is partially just annoying to her I think. (It's actually happening again right this very minute as she had some disappointing news today about auditions for a play at East....) It hurts so much! It hurts her, it hurts me. And her dad. Even her siblings feel for her.
I could do nothing but let the decision be up to her. She took a couple of days but decided to not go to Youth Conference, even though it caused many more tears. And then...I offered to do something really really SUPER nice which was to drive her to Youth Conference at Bear Lake (about 2 1/2 hours away) one afternoon right after theater school, spend the evening there with her, and then drive home again that night. That is a lot of driving for one day, believe me, but Romney accepted happily. I was so glad that this became our plan.
Romney had a wonderful time at YTU, which I knew she would. She had a great time playing her role in her final performance, a melodrama of Robin Hood. She played an old crazy beggar lady and was hilarious. She's so good. She's SOOO good! I just want her to have her shining moments. I know, I'm such a MOM. But I just want her to get her chance to really be the star of a show and show off her skills! She'll get her chance, I know. And she loves her theater experiences. (Except in middle school which I'm not sure counts.)
Youth Conference happened during that last week of school, and I dutifully picked up Romney at 3pm, taking along with us Emma and our friend Bob and his son Thomas who wanted to spend the evening up there too.
We were sad we couldn't stay longer because that group of kids truly is amazing and it was a really fun evening. Romney got a chance to be with her circle and get a taste of the trip, and not miss out on a month of wonderful YTU. (TSFY. Whatever.)
I put some serious miles on our new tires, but it was totally worth it.
Keeping up with kids is hard. Keeping up with their emotions is even harder. I'm doing my dangdest though!
Romney and I needed a little therapeutic dessert dates to process the situation. |
The night of her performance. Old lady makeup looks awesome on her. |
Cast members! |
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