Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Escape to St. George

Here's something that Troy and I find both funny and pretty sweet. Just over a year ago, as Romney's senior year of high school was winding down and she was so sick of school and so sick of the high school social scene, she talked a lot about how seriously ready she was to get away to UVU. She was ready for a fresh start, ready for fresh people in her life, ready for a change of scene and pattern to her daily life. 

Then summer happened and the pressure and stress of school was off her shoulders. She got a pass to Lagoon and started going there a lot with her buddies Anna and Judd and their rather cute friend Nicholas. There were a lot of late-night Dungeons and Dragons sessions and hanging out and the friend group regained some of its shine and allure. In fact, leaving them got harder and harder as the summer wore on. They truly are dear dear people.

All year long Romney has enjoyed school at UVU but hasn't hesitated to come home at every opportunity. I'm sure it's mostly to see her family.....wait, nevermind. It was totally about Nick and the other friends. And us a little bit too. It's always wonderful when Romney comes home.

So the friends all started planning a summer trip together. Most of them just graduated this May, and as a celebration, they decided to head south to St. George where Fran had access to a big nice house with a community pool. I know the planning was kind of stressful - there were 8 of them going and none of them were super-planners, but they pulled it off. These four took off in one car on a Sunday afternoon and met up with three more friends plus one dad down there. An eighth friend arrived via shuttle on Wednesday.

I don't think they had really major plans - they did lots of cooking together, getting up early for hikes, taking long afternoon naps, swimming, a little shopping, and staying up very late together. What could be more fun for a big group of friends?

Romney only sent me a couple of photos. Luckily Nicholas took it upon himself to send me a pile of them.

I was so happy they got to escape away for a whole week. It's really the only summer trip Romney will get this year besides one more weekend in St. George for some plays at Tuacahn in August. She'll be employed as a pioneer pretty much all the other weeks of the summer, so this was a great escape! Too bad it was 100 billion degrees.

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