Every year, Emma's birthday coincides almost precisely with the last day of school. It's been a slight bummer for her. However, this year our district decided to switch up the schedule a little and school actually ended at the end of May. So June 3rd was a true summer day for our newest 15 year old girl!
I had started my internship the week before Emma's birthday, but I let them know that I wouldn't be available that day. I had things to do! Parties to host! Food to make! Presents to wrap and celebrations to enjoy!
Our day started with one of Emma's favorite breakfasts - scones. I tried a new thing, which was to make them with my sourdough. I think they were quite tasty and were extremely puffy. Perfect for filling with Nutella and other delights. Romney had helped me pick out some gifts for Emma and she did a great job. A funny iPods case that looks like a package of goldfish crackers, some very cool eyeliner, a beading tool, and some cute new shoes.

Later in the day I took Emma and her friend Bella out to The Olive Garden for lunch. This was for sure not a place Emma would have picked on her own, but I just so happened to have a stack of gift cards that were a hand-me-down from Grandma. We put those Olive Garden cards to good use.
Bella has been an absolutely darling friend. They had a class together on the very first day of high school, and recognized each other as a vaguely familiar face from middle school. They decided they both needed a buddy on that first scary day, and stayed friends all year long. I really like her so much.
Later in the day Emma gathered with a different group of friends. She really wanted to take them to an escape room so we found one with a "walk the plank" pirate-type theme. I sat outside the room and heard lots of laughing and excited hollering. My conclusion is that they had a great time.
After the escape room I bought them WAY too much pizza and they feasted on it at our house, followed by chocolate cake.
I think Emma really had a great birthday. Lots of fun treats and surprises from her friends, who are such a cute group. They were totally sweet. And they ranged in age from freshman to seniors. Impressive. Of course, we told them that 11:00 pm would be a great time to head out since Troy and I both had to work early in the morning. Instead he and I took Advil PM, zonked out at 10:00, and I haven't a clue when they all went home. Oh how times have changed.
And not long after the birthday party came Emma's first turn behind the wheel of a car. She's very excited to drive and wants to go out every chance she gets. We have a long learning curve ahead of us, but she's doing great.
Also I had to include these photos - the day after Emma's birthday, Romney had a day off of work at This is The Place and decided to take Emma on a little outing. Where did they go? This is The Place, of course. They walked around and shopped and got lunch and just had some lovely sister time. Aren't they just so cute?
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