Saturday, July 31, 2010

This is Never Going to Fit

There is no way I'm ever going to fit all the pictures I want to into this blog entry.  Don't you hate that?  We just got back (well, almost a week ago now,) from a simple laid-back weekend in Bear Lake with some dear friends the Griffiths and even though there weren't that many events to report on there are a million pictures showing our complete bliss as we spent three days in heaven.  We lounged in the pool, frolicked on the beach, kicked back on the expansive lawn, watched the sun go down and the bats come out.  We enjoyed the full moon, we participated in sidewalk chalk art, ate more hamburgers than should really be eaten in one weekend, (which for me would be 1). We stayed up late watching hilarious British comedies, we invented recipes for blueberry crisp out of breakfast cereal. We slept in.  It was magic.  Listen to this: my children didn't fight - with each other or the three Griffiths boys.  I didn't play one single game of pretend with Bitty.  Vacation.

Okay, it wasn't total perfection. I did forget to put Stomper's luggage in the car, (minor detail,) but when you're vacationing with a family of three boys you can pretty much come up with a pair of undies and a tee shirt here and there.  And what you can't find in their drawers the KOA campground store can readily supply, as I already learned a couple of years ago on my last excursion to the Lake when I forgot my swimming suit.  (I think I finally passed the resulting "Camp Cutie" tee-shirt along to someone much more suited to its title.) And yes, the upstairs neighbors were slightly on the obnoxious side, the height of their ill-manners being the  tossing of a baggie containing a dead mouse over the balcony and onto the porch right at our feet.  Luckily Marianne has skills in communication and the kids who did it figured out that people don't like dead mice being tossed at them.  So yes, there were the minor glitches here and there, but as in fine Japanese art, the mistakes are there to show off the perfection all around.  Thanks, Griffiths.  We want to come back now.


Cullen said...

Wow! Great photos! I'm supremely jealous of your vacation. Especially the "sleeping in" part!

Sounds like a great time!

stephgardner said...

Oh that makes me miss bear lake! I haven't been there for more than a decade! I also once had a great t shirt from there, it said: "Bear Lake is for monsters" though I think "Camp Cutie" beats it. Glad you had a good time.

Melissa said...

One of my absolute favorite places to vacation with the family!

Windybrook Spinner said...

It sounds just perfect. I'm so glad you had such a lovely break.

Bella said...

love it! what a perfectly imperfect vacation...that's the way they should be! :)