Monday, November 11, 2013

A Month of Beautiful

What a fantastic fall we have had - our valley has been a splendor of color for weeks now. (Okay, we had one teeny tiny little snow storm that took me by surprise but other than that....)  The leaves are all starting to come down now but I can't count the number of times I was walking or driving through the city and was awestruck by the colors and beauty around me.  I know we can't compare to Boston or Vermont or anything, but I have absolutely loved this fall.

On Saturday Troy made sure to put the following on his to-do list:

"rake leaves into a pile and take pictures of the kids"

So glad he did - he captured some excellent moments:

1 comment:

Cullen said...

I love Stomper's thumbs-up photo. Can't see anymore of him under the leaves! That kid is awesome.