Thursday, July 22, 2021

End of an Era

Finally May wrapped up, June began, and with its beginning came some endings. One really monumental ending was that my last child finished school at our beloved Wasatch Elementary. I feel like I have been connected to that school for far longer than the 13 years that we were - I guess that's because my sister's three daughters all went there, the youngest finishing just as Chase was in kindergarten. We lived in the neighborhood for four years before Chase was even born, so I attended a few parades and performances long before our kids even started. I of course feel extremely attached to the school and so many of the fabulous teachers. 

I was very grateful that we were allowed to hold a few of our traditional end-of-year activities including the Arts Showcase, and 6th grade promotion. The kids who finished 6th grade last year just didn't get the same experience - there was no Arts Showcase at all, and they did sort of a drive-through goodbye after an online ceremony. Lucky for us, our year finished with a lot more flexibility than it started with. The activities did have to be outside, and everyone wore masks, but the fact that we were able to gather together was really delightful.

Arts Showcase came first, and although it was quite a different gathering, lacking all the usual things like food, the auction, and art for sale from local artists, it was so uplifting to be together again as parents and students, appreciating the art the kids worked on this year, which was displayed outside. I was so happy to get one last chance to sit at my little volunteer table, selling yearbooks and t-shirts and chatting with all the passersby.


Then came graduation. Every year, during the closing assembly, there's a tradition in which the teachers hold up yard sticks in a double line, creating a tunnel for the graduating 6th graders to run through. Every year I cry. I can't help it. So this year, when it was the last time one of my own kids would be running through that tunnel, I pretty much sobbed. Wasatch has been a very good school to us, and we have certainly put in some hours trying to be good to Wasatch in return. 

There was a cute program with only a few student speakers, plus a short dance performance and comments from the teachers. A very nice ceremony, and I enjoyed seeing all the students again, each of whom seemed to have grown at least a foot since the middle of 5th grade when I saw them last. 

So I guess that's it! Sixth grade wrapped up, and the end of the era of grade school. It's so strange, so happy. Life is good. 



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