While my brother Peter was here over the holidays, he was listening to Romney play her cello and suggested that it was time to get new strings put on. The cello really was sounding weird - and not because of Romney's playing. There were some squeaks and squeals coming from the lower strings. I was glad to hear from Peter that new strings should do the trick, but wondered if the problem was deeper. Romney's cello has been a blessing to us - it was given to us for free several years ago when Chase still played and was ready for a full-size instrument. It got handed on to Romney and has been very serviceable despite being a cello made in China on a factory line. We had a luthier take a look at it when we first got it, and he said that for what it was, it wasn't too bad. Romney had named him Austin and was very fond of him.
So, Austin and I went in to the cello shop and got ready for new strings. However, the luthier took one look at him and was very sorry but let me know that new strings couldn't help the cello at all. He showed me four places on the cello where the seams were split and gaping open. There were many other issues as well, and would cost way more than poor little Austin was even worth. My heart kind of sank. And just at that moment, the endpin of the cello shot right up inside the cello as the luthier was tipping it back. It was like an exclamation point on the statement that poor Austin was done for.
I learned, however, that cellos were much more in our price range than I had feared. I brought one home for Romney to try out - and she had no idea that I had even gone into the shop at all that day. So when she got home, I sure had a big "I have bad news and I have good news" surprise for her. The moment she started playing, it absolutely took our breath away. The difference in tone and sound was incredible. It was like a river of warm chocolate was flowing through the house. Romney absolutely lit up and we decided to adopt the new cello for good. Romney named her Lady Liesel.
Lady Liesel is a treat to have around. I'm grateful we had Austin as long as we did - he now has a new home at Romney's high school where he can help beginner cellists learn to play. (The luthier was able to fish the end pin back out.) Shortly after we adopted Leisel, Romney and I were able to play a duet in church which was so fun for us. I am just filled with gratitude that we have been blessed with music in our home.
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