Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Midnight Lament

I've been really wanting to get to my blog for a long time, and just haven't been able to, due to the hustle and bustle of the jolly holidays. I'm working hard to be jolly, here. Sometimes I feel the Christmas spirit and sometimes I am a bit of a humbug....perhaps I will elaborate more on that topic later. I've been planning to, and would still like to blog about my children - I've been enjoying them so much lately and have made a couple of little videos to post on youtube and everything but I'm so slow at actually sitting down and writing. I meant to last night. However, my children had other plans. That is, my daughter had other plans. I was invited last night to a production of It's a Wonderful Life - it turned out to be all dance with some narration, and it was a little cheesy. But it was fun to be out with my friend Marianne. Troy was putting the kids to bed - no mean feat at our house. So at intermission I called him to see if all was well. Silly me. Of course both the kids were in bed, sound asleep. My phone call, however, woke RAP. When I got home at ten, there she was, weepily sitting in Troy's lap waiting for me. I tried feeding her, which usually does the trick. Except for last night. I let her play for a few minutes and then we went for a drive....let's make this long and unpleasant story short. After every trick I knew from letting her cry to rocking to driving to singing to feeding to telling her to go to sleep in a loud firm voice (not officially yelling) to doing some crying myself, she did not go to sleep until 4:00 in the morning. Oh. It was such an awful night. She wasn't sick or unhappy - just AWAKE. It was actually Troy who got her to sleep after mommy huffed off to sleep on the couch - he held her down in our bed until she got really mad and then she just slept. One of those memorable nights that I will never forget.


Anonymous said...

ah yes. Baby C has a similar habit (of late) of waking up around midnight wanting to play for a little while before going back to bed. I think she knows that Dad is a sucker and will go get her and play for a few minutes since I don't get to see her enough as it is. :)

Anonymous said...

sorry about the rough night -- it sounds exhausting!

napalmbrain said...

Wow. I'll send that along to Sheri. It may stave off her frenzy for pregnancy for about half an hour.