Monday, August 26, 2013

Annual Preslar Family Camping Extravaganza

It sounds exciting, doesn't it?  It's just a couple of nights in the Uinta Mountains but my kids get so amped for this trip every year it feels like the highlight vacation of the summer.  I love that.  They just love being with family, as do I, and it is incredibly satisfying as a parent to see your kids feel that way.

This year's camping trip had its share of rocky roads - we had plenty of rain (totally forgot to bring hot cocoa and enough warm dry clothing - it was August!  I thought we would be warm!  I am stupid!) and a little trouble finding one another as we were setting up camp, but despite that it was as fun a trip as ever.

Stomper and Bitty both caught fish - Bitty's was minuscule, but since it perished after being released from the hook she decided to eat it.  Stomper caught two descent sized trout from his uncle Rick's canoe and happily chowed both of them down.

There really isn't much to report besides the fact that we did what we always do when we camp - cooked and ate and cleaned up a lot, went for walks, enjoyed the lake, tried to fish a bit, and basically just watched the kids scamper around the campground to their heart's content.  Not bad for a summer weekend.

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