Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Completely Spoiled

There is nothing else to say.  I was completely spoiled this weekend.  Completely and utterly, and it was FANTASTIC.

I have a lovely friend with a lovely family who owns a lovely vacation home in St. George, near the mouth of lovely Snow Canyon.  She invited a gaggle of moms to join her in a weekend away and I was so happy that it worked out for me to go along.

We had so much fun.  I tried very hard to not feel guilty the whole time I was there - and I did pretty well though not perfectly - I tried to make it as easy for Troy as possible for me to be away and he and the kids were of course awesome together so I only felt SLIGHTLY guilty.  At all times.  Especially when I was sitting in a hot tub every night under the full desert moon.  And also while I was out to breakfast, attending a temple session, cooking and talking with friends all day long, going to see Thor II, getting a pedicure.....  you get the idea.

I have to admit that there were two highlights to this trip that just made it extra special.  I mean, it was already such a pleasure to spend time with six other amazing women - we had hours of really interesting, insightful and helpful conversations.  We relaxed and pampered ourselves.  It was awesome.  But to top it off, my sister in law Sheri had a baby not four days before I got there.  I have been sad that I haven't met Adam and Whitley's new baby Park yet - he's about six weeks already.  And I hate the thought of missing another brand new baby.  So one day I had a free afternoon and snuck away to go see Peter and Sheri and their THREE girls.  That was so fun and such a pleasure to have a little time to snuggle with new baby Iva Matilda.  Can't wait to get my hands on her again!

The other highlight for me was the sleeping part.  I have become the lightest sleeper - everything wakes me up, the slightest noise and I am totally 100% awake, usually taking a while to fall back asleep.  I didn't think I was capable of sleeping soundly or sleeping in any more. Boy, was I wrong.  Three nights in a row I slept like a complete ROCK.  It was absolute heaven.

So anyway, a great trip, so grateful to have been able to go, and I hope it happens again one day.

The View towards Tuacahn as I was on an early morning stroll

Okay, Bundle was a little sad my first morning away and we did a lot of face time

Outside the St. George temple

Baby Iva Matilda!

I even got to pick periwinkle, my favorite color

Swig made a bundle off of our business - once I introduced the Dirty Diet Coke to everyone, they all asked if we could go every day

On a shopping trip we had to have at least one of us go for the prom dress try on  - led to much hilarity

Wouldn't be a trip to St. George without the Pizza Factory!


Unknown said...

Sounds Amazing!
I am only a tiny bit jealous :P

Cullen said...

Good for you!

skinny said...

I am glad everyone had a great time. You shouldn't feel guilty leaving your kids. Dads are parents too. It is good for everyone. I think you should put the next one on the calendar!