Friday, October 05, 2018

July 4th

For this great patriotic holiday Troy and I wanted to really plan a fun day. It has happened in the past that we've found ourselves with not quite enough to do. Neither of us has family very close by who gather for holidays and many of our friends do tend to have family parties and things on big holidays. We hoped that if we made several fun plans and invited a bunch of friends we'd hopefully get a few people to join us here and there and end up with a full and busy and really fun day. It would help if we actually liked doing some of the things around town like parades or breakfasts, those things that lots of folks attend, but we tend to not like dealing with crowds. We decided on the following plan: in the morning, go up Millcreek Canyon to cook breakfast and enjoy the cool mountains. Then come home, get cleaned up and go swimming. Then we'd do a BBQ on our back porch before heading out for fireworks at our new favorite spot, the Country Club.

Some of these plans went well and some of them kinda not so much. 

We were so happy that the Pehrsons joined us for breakfast up the canyon. Chase also brought a couple of very cute friends and as I think I mentioned, they spent breakfast ignoring us and hanging out in a hammock. I approved of this behavior. Go away teenagers and enjoy your cute selves together. 

The canyon was indeed cool, especially since we persuaded everyone that we had to go very early. I love the Pehrson's so much, it was a great morning together with their cute kids.

Once we got breakfast packed up, the canyon was starting to heat up and also fill up with people. We got back home and cleaned up and headed to the pool. I was expecting it to be completely insane that day. 

I don't think I've mentioned yet that we joined a pool! There's this cute little tiny private pool that we've been invited to as guests before. This year we were able to join it - it's called Waterhaven. It really made our summer. I absolutely loved the fact that we could swim as much as we wanted and it wasn't this huge ordeal of driving across town and dealing with crowds of people and paying money and hauling tons of crap. Nope. We just headed two blocks away and that was it. I LOVED IT. It made summer just as summery as possible with so little effort. I'm very grateful we were able to do that. 

ANYWAY...the pool is usually packed with people on holidays. You can catch plenty of alone time there much of the summer but I'd been told that holidays like the 4th tended to be overrun with families. Much to our surprise it was completely empty. We somehow hit it between gatherings I guess, and that was a great treat.

After the pool it was time to get ready for dinner - my dad joined us, as well as the Moores. We had a nice time eating burgers and chatting on the porch. But we were pretty excited to get going to the fireworks. Over the past three years we have come to love the country club. I was afraid it would be crowded this year because Sugarhouse Park, where the big fireworks display normally happens, was not putting them on this year due to lack of funds. Happily the throng of people up at the country club was about the same and we again had no trouble parking or finding a great area right on the green. We spread out our blankets and flopped down in the breezy air and waited. And waited. And waited. Nothing happened. We stayed until nearly 11:00 at night when we finally gave up, along with about half the crowd. It was such a major bummer. I think the girls would have stayed another hour waiting if Troy and I hadn't been so tired and ready to go home. The fireworks did actually start, but not until 11:00 and we were already back to our car. Man were there some tears. I have no idea if that was on purpose or if something had gone wrong - I don't know what to expect next year - should we just plan on later fireworks? Man 11:00 is late after an all-day holiday like that. 

Overall we really had a fun day, and I count it as a success despite the fact that the big traditional activity was a total bomb. 

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