Friday, December 03, 2021

The Spice Must Flow

I have no memory of the very first time I saw Dune, the science fiction movie that was based on the epic book of the same name. It came out in 1984, and I was only 11 then, so I'm pretty sure I didn't see it in the theater. It feels like I have always loved it though. I don't remember thinking it was especially strange - after all, it was science fiction. I loved science fiction and was used to weird. However, as I continued to be a fan of the movie over the years, watching it on a somewhat regular basis, it occurred to me that it was actually a pretty strange movie, especially if I watched it with someone who had never seen it before. Based on the reactions they gave, I began to see that yeah, that's a weird movie. But still, I was a fan. My friend The Becky is a lifelong fan, and my brother Peter as well. Luckily so is my husband. It's not like I watch it once a month or anything like that. But certainly once every year or two. Mostly I just enjoy quoting it to people, most of whom have no idea what I'm talking about. (Usul no longer needs a weirding module! For he is the Kwizatz Haderach!) 

Then sometime early in 2020 a trailer for a new Dune movie appeared. My first reaction was that it was a work of blasphemy.  Just kidding. I eagerly watched the new trailer and within minutes was guessing that it was going to be an absolutely amazing movie. I was so excited. And I was not alone. My husband and brother also began looking forward to the fall release of this movie. Troy even began the audio book in anticipation. I was excited to start it as soon as he was done. That audiobook was a great help to Troy - as we drove home from Seabrook in September and had tire troubles that caused the trip to take 17 hours instead of 12 or 13, he just plugged in and listened to it the whole way. By then, however, we had already gotten the dire news.

Can you guess what had happened? Yes, the same thing that happened to everything in 2020. Stupid Covid. Yes, the release date got pushed back a FULL YEAR. We were so bummed out! When you're waiting for something and find out you have to wait an entire year for it, it suddenly feels like time will never move and a year will never pass. However, as all years seem to do, this one did eventually go by. By the time the film was released in October of 2021, Troy, Peter and I had all made it through the very lengthy audiobook. I loved it. And guess what. The weird movie from 1984 is pretty darn close to the book. There were only a few things that were stretched into even stranger territory. 

Peter made a special trip to Salt Lake so he could watch the show with us. Chase and Romney came as well, and Emma didn't care about it in the slightest so she stayed home. She, Siena and Cara were bribed with dinner out to babysit Sam and Iva for the very long movie. 

I can only say, it was worth the wait. What a movie. I'm more of a Dune fan than ever!

Oh yeah, and we took the kids to Boo Lights at the zoo. Yeah yeah, more zoo. Whatever. I want more DUNE!

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