Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Floor to Stand On

A very miraculous thing happened. After weeks upon weeks of demolition, of tearing things apart and then digging in the dirt for EVER, we did something amazing. We finished the footings and foundations, we finished the ledger boards and the joists, and we put down subfloor. Did you hear me? WE PUT DOWN SUBFLOOR. Putting the last board down over that dirt felt amazing.

Actually, I have one little confession - Troy and I were both slightly sad to cover up our beautiful foundations. We worked so hard on those! And they were so neat and tidy! It was a bit of a shame to not see them anymore. But guess what. You can still see them from the basement. And no more clouds of dirt floating through the house! Well, not from the bedroom anyway. There's still plenty of dirt from other sources.

Here we are once again demonstrating the prowess of our minivan - this time hauling sheets of subfloor.

This was an extremely visually satisfying day. Some days you work so hard all day long and you just can't see much of what you did, and other days you get a big payback. A floor!!!


After that first layer of subfloor went in, we built a frame around the room that would be a support for the layer of insulation.

And then...the top layer of subfloor! It may not seem like it but it was quite a pain to put in. As always, things are not at all square so we had to do some cutting and fitting and it took a lot of time. However, walking around on that solid (and dirt-free) floor has been nothing short of joyful. 


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