Monday, May 27, 2024

Farewell, Little Yellow Coop

In the early spring we got an announcement that a group in the neighborhood was wanting to do a service project and host a "Service Saturday." They invited folks to either sign up to help or sign up to receive some service. Considering all that we are up to this year, we decided on the latter. We had already rented one dumpster for dirt and debris from our construction project, but we had plenty more. In fact, we had put a tarp over our tomato garden and covered it in a huge mound of dirt. We figured we could rent another dumpster and use our helpers to get the dirt into it plus other yard waste. It was so incredibly helpful to have three gentlemen just show up and grab the shovels and wheelbarrows we had for them and get that dirt on out. What a relief! Plus, we had enough room to add tons of old branches from dead trees in our yard. And even enough room to load up the dismantled remains of our first chicken coop and the run as well, which we had built so frantically that October afternoon in 2019. It has been useless in our backyard ever since then, and it was so lovely to get rid of all of it, leaving a nice open spot to keep our trailer and canoe. I confess I felt a bit like she-hulk as I loaded up several wheelbarrow's-worth of rocks and bricks and heaved them into the dumpster. That is until my back began to protest. Turns out, I'm not she-hulk. 


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