Monday, May 27, 2024

Tulip Fest

I have made an unexpected friend over the past couple of years. Her name is Cherie, pronounced sher-REE, and she's in her 70s, and will be sure to let you know that she's from California and she is Jewish. Even though she has joined our faith, she loves her Jewish heritage, which I love too. She talks about it a lot, and is outspoken about a lot of things. She loves to grab and manhandle my arms and shoulders, admiring their ...fullness? I believe that is the word she used. Cherie is definitely a little eccentric and unexpected and I just adore her. She loves me too. Especially my thick arms. 

Last year she mentioned how much she wanted to go to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point, and I don't remember why, but I couldn't get down there last year. But I made a solemn vow that I would take her this spring. She held me to it - every few weeks she'd remind me, though I definitely hadn't forgotten. And early in May, we made it happen. I picked her up, and we made the drive, chatting happily the whole way.

Here's what I loved about being there with her. First, she wanted to link arms with me the whole time, and just be close as we walked and talked. Also, she absolutely adored those tulips. She'd stop and gaze at them, and touch them, and even talk to them. "Hello, little beauties! I love you!" It was so delightful, and worth taking a day away from my to-do list to be with my friend and take her to visit the tulips.

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