Sunday, May 26, 2024

First Time I've Ever Liked Clowns

As I said in my last post, Romney enjoyed her photography class enormously. I'm sure it was her favorite class of spring semester. And she pulled off quite a spectacular feat for her final project. The assignment was pretty simple - she had to create a series of five or six photographs with a common theme. My guess is that she went way above and beyond what was required. She decided on a theme of clowns, and in her typical way, she got a very clear image in her mind of what she wanted and then really went all out. The theme? Clowns. Of all things, clowns!

Luckily she has many very willing friends who were totally game for being dressed up and covered in make-up and posing and just rolling with the whole thing. And I am here to tell you that the vision she had was amazing. I don't even know where to start with the photos - there are literally hundreds of them. I guess I'll just post her finished products, but I may add more later.

Aren't they amazing? They look a little darker here than they do on her camera reel, but you get the idea. Full makeup, extensive costumes, turning her bedroom into a studio with Troy's good lighting system and blacked out windows and backdrops and everything. They had so much fun.

One of the best photoshoots of all was the same night as Senior Prom at the highschool - more on this later, since Emma went ahead and had her first date all of a sudden - and I had kind of been wondering if Romney would end up going to a dance at East after all because Nicholas would want to take her. But neither of them really wanted to go, and they ended up putting together one of the bigger photoshoots that night. They were doing the double clown, their friends Cami and Judd, and so had to do two costumes and two make-up sessions and stuff.

As they were working, our front door suddenly burst open and in came a small troop of prom-goers. I think it was only 4 kids but it felt like more. They were fully decked-out in prom attire and they just let themselves into our house, led by Romney's bestie Anna. This actually made me so happy. There is something so very flattering about having a teenager feel like they are safe at your house, and welcome any time. It means a great deal to me that she feels safe this way. What happened was that one of the prom-attendees (Alice, to be exact) had injured her toe and needed medical care. So I pointed them to the bathroom for a good wash-up and several bandaids. And it was so fun to spend a few minutes with them and admire their outfits and ask what their plans were. I love that gang so much.

Here's Romney working before the promers descended:

And here's the mayhem in our kitchen:

Our house is small, and it can feel overwhelming when a lot of people are here, but I sure did feel happy seeing all these cute people doing their things and having a lovely night, toe injury and all. 

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