Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Miracle Credit at the Spiral Jetty

In the middle of April, Romney approached us with a request to go visit the Spiral Jetty. It was an opportunity to get extra credit in her Art History class. Funny, she didn't need the extra credit, but she just loves road trips and really wanted to go. She had also been taking a photography class and has absolutely fallen in love with it, and thought that a photo shoot at the jetty would be extra fun. Because of her interest in photography, we thought that Troy would be a better companion for her than I would be.

They went on a Thursday evening, and when they returned, I got to hear all about how much fun they had. Aren't Troy and I the luckiest? It's so fun to do stuff with our kids. Troy just raved about how absolutely lovely the drive was, how beautiful the jetty was, how much fun he had with his daughter. It was just great. What a fun trip! 

Epilogue to the story - and not one we particularly want to remember because it really sucked - but I have to include it because I find it to be miraculous. As I said, Romney didn't need extra credit in this class, but really wanted to do the trip anyway. Then at the end of the semester, she had a total disaster. She was very pinched for time and very stressed out, and decided to place her final for this class as her last priority. She worked out everything she needed to do and fit it all in place, with the final coming late in the evening of the last possible day. Do you see where I'm going with this? She had a major learning experience when she had technical difficulties and was unable to take the final at all. It was devastating. And yet her final grade ended up above the line of where she had to be for the class to count towards her major, because of that little trip to the Spiral Jetty. Follow those promptings, people. 

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