Monday, May 27, 2024

Bob II

I think it's pretty clear that the house we live in has some special needs. And one of those really special things is that we have a weird setup for our dryer. The dryer vent absolutely has nowhere else to go but down into the basement, through the entire length of the house and out to the west-facing window of the basement. It's very long, which is not good for dryers. This means that we have had a LOT of dryer breakdowns. And we have gone through many dryers. It's just dumb for us to get a nice new dryer since our setup will just ruin it. Instead, we have found places that sell and repair used dryers. Consequently, we have had to a large amount of dryer moving. And it's no easy feat. Nestled into a tiny alcove, our dryer basically requires acrobats and strong-men to move it. I have found myself more than once crouching in front of the washing machine trying to bench press the dryer up and over my head and into the hands of my teammate and then scrambling back out underneath it while continuing to lift's really hard to describe. Basically, it sucks. 

We have called on our friend Bob, basically our very own strong-man, to help us maneuver it around, especially in times when Troy's hernia situation prevented him from lifting dryers. Oh, do Bob and I have stories to tell about the awkward positions we have gotten into. Well, Bob moved to Bountiful. And Troy and I are getting old. And our dryer broke again. We decided we are now past the time we should be man-handling large appliances and went hunting for a Bob-replacement. We found it - in a very cool cart with a hydraulic shelf on it that can be raised and lowered easily. We had to add some lumber to the top of the shelf to make it the right height for dryer-loading, and once we did that, it was perfect. Except not as kind and funny as the real Bob. Man did it simplify our lives. It's a treasure. 

We named it....Bob. Naturally.

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