Sunday, May 26, 2024

Freshman/Senior Prom

Not to sound like an old person, but back in MY day..... I wasn't allowed to date until I was 16. parents did let me go to a dance or two during my sophomore year when I was still 15. Because my birthday was in May and my big sister's was in October - she was 16 most of her sophomore year and got to date throughout. My parents were nice. But we don't really have that rule around here. Partly because our two older kids didn't really seem to have the opportunity or maybe even the desire to go on date before their junior year, a group going to a school dance really a "date" ? I don't think so. Which is good news because it wasn't too big of a deal when Emma let us know she was going to Senior Prom. Oh...uh...ok I guess? 

Here's the thing. She has been very blessed to develop some really lovely friends this year, and they're mostly all older than she is. Sophomores and juniors. They have all kind of taken her under their wings. Do some of them occasionally show up at our house and try to climb in through her window? Yes. Yes they do - although I think we have successfully convinced them that they are safe to use our front door. And it's been very sweet to see her light up and be so happy enjoying her time with her friends. So yes, when a prom group was put together, she took part, and I think had a really lovely time.

She did the asking - another freshman boy by the name of Chaudin, who is in theater and choir with her. His big brother is dating one of her friends, and they spend lots of time together. The girls planned it all out themselves - bowling, dinner, dance, ice cream. 

Here was an especially darling part. I was having a pretty busy week before the dance and needed to find time to take Emma dress shopping. Her sweet big sister offered to take her - Romney, Nick and Emma went shopping and picked out a lovely dress and shoes. Also, she spent the afternoon with her friends getting ready. I was a little sad not to help her with her makeup and have a chance to take photos, but I know she had so much fun and was thrilled to go to her first dance.

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