Sunday, July 15, 2012

4th of July

We are so blessed with an abundance of friends, and we wanted to invite a few of them over to celebrate the 4th of July.  There's just this one little problem in that we have a really small house.  Not a big deal - we have an awesome back porch and back yard except there just this one little problem in that it has been around 100 degrees outside.  But guess what, I have an awesome husband who spent the morning of the 4th installing these cool mist sprayers all along the back beam of the porch and thus our back porch was a pleasant place to be at 5pm in the middle of July.  It's not usually like that.  I was very grateful.

Something that was less successful was my attempt at a chalk art festival of our very own on our sidewalk.  At the end of June every year at the Gateway Shopping Center there is the awesome chalk art festival and we go and I look at the cool art and I'm just sure that it would  be so fun to have all the kids in the hood come over and each take a square and do something awesome.  So I bought chalk and I warned the neighbors and let the kids have at it.

They didn't quite see the vision.  Okay, we did have some nice time out on the front lawn, especially as the sun started to go down. My favorite drawing was done by a charming young lady named Daffodill who drew a life-sized friend whom she named Orchid.  Super cute.  But it wasn't quite the fest I was going for.  Maybe I need to just live my dream and decorate my own sidewalk all by myself.  The neighbors and probably my family too will think I'm nuts but I don't really care - it will fulfill my obsession with chalk art and help me stop trying to make the kids in the neighborhood do it for me.

Anyway, we had a great celebration with even a few fireworks here and there despite the fact that my family chose to skip out on attending the big show at Sugarhouse Park.  No way would Bundle survive that. She's not real big on loud noises.

So hooray for hard-working hubbies and hooray for friends and hamburgers and 12 layer chocolate cakes (my friend Myca created a masterpiece) and our great country.  Hooray!


Windybrook Spinner said...

Love the misters.

jefferies said...

I love everything about that! Sounds great. I like to try to imagine that we live in Utah and are in attendance at your awesome parties. :)