Saturday, November 10, 2012

Wanna See a Funny Picture I Found On My Phone?

This was probably a year ago.  As far as I can remember, Bundle kept doing this lovely little gesture through most of our shopping trip.  I think the fingernail on her fourth finger was bothering her quite a bit so she kept playing with it, and she just had to get that third finger out of the way.  It doesn't help that her eyes in the picture make her look possessed or something.  Anyway, it makes me laugh every time I pass by it so I thought I'd share.

And a happy day to you as well.


Cullen said...

I'm not even sure that's your daughter!! So out of character! Pretty funny, though.

bella said...

that just made my day!!

Myca said...

Oh my sweet girl! She totally looks stoned!

This picture is a great one to show to her when she's thinking about dating... Just so she knows the kind of blackmail you have!

Cameron and Allison said...

this is awesome. so glad you shared.