Sunday, October 06, 2024

First Annual Romney Sibling Trip

Many months ago, in January, I was surprised when I got a text message alert and it was my brother Adam texting us Romney siblings. He said, "Hey sibs. I have a wild idea. Maybe we should try and plan a weekend for the four of us to hang out every year. I know we live all over the country, but maybe we can find a way to get together just for a weekend. What do you all think?"

What do I think? Are you serious? Best text ever!!!!

And amazingly, it came together. We were able to plan almost the whole thing right then and there. Shockingly, Adam proposed that we attend the Utah Shakespearean Festival in Cedar City, Utah. This was a great favorite of our mom's, and it felt like a fun way to be together, have something to do, and keep our dear parents close in our minds and hearts. 

I don't know how to put into words here how joyful this made me and how shocked I was that it happened. Pretty much five seconds after Adam texted the group I had a side text thread going with my other brother Peter going, and we were saying to each other, "What is happening right now. Who is actually texting us???" It was a shock. I adore both of my brothers so so so much. Adam is way busier than Peter and is farther away. Feeling connected to him is a little harder, and for this idea to be coming from him just filled my cup to overflowing.

We got an Airbnb house rented, we got tickets to two plays: Much Ado about Nothing and The Taming of the Shrew.We had a zoom call to chat food and other activities and it just kind of came together. The big weekend was to be the weekend after Labor Day. Of course, while we were planning it, I didn't think Troy and I would still be working on the bedroom, cause I'm dumb, so once again I had to fight with my guilt monster over leaving Troy to work while I went away and played with my siblings. 

When our weekend finally arrived, Margaret and Adam both flew in to Salt Lake City. Peter was smart and knew that doing all the driving together was going to be possibly the best part, so he actually drove all the way to SLC from STG so he could drive with us. He wasn't wrong. Driving was so much fun. Adam had heard this podcast with this list of questions about movies that we went through - what movie made you cry the most? (The Champ and Castaway.) What movie can still make you laugh? (Moonrise Kingdom.) What movie do you hate that most people love? (Grease.) That was super fun. I kind of wondered if we would just laugh and laugh and laugh until we were sick. We did definitely do some laughing, but we really did just more talking. I loved every second of it. 

We arrived in Cedar City on Friday afternoon, first getting lunch at this fun place downtown. Then we headed to our Airbnb - it was a nice big house where we each had our own bedrooms, which we all decided was vital. We are too old with too many weird habits and nighttime noises to want to have sleepovers any more. 

After getting settled, we headed out to the Shakespeare Festival in time to catch the Greenshow. When we were little this was not a formal affair at all - now it's definitely an official and rehearsed performance. It's still fun though. We definitely had to buy some tarts from the seller, since we all wanted them so badly as kids and didn't get them. They're ok. Not great. And I wish you could have seen Adam's face as the seller-gal insisted on speaking in a (somewhat) British accent. I could see him sort of crawling out of his skin. It was so funny.

The first play was Much Ado About Nothing - one of my favorites since I know it so well, due to the Kenneth Branagh/Emma Thompson movie version. It was in an indoor theater, and it was indeed delightful. I had a great time. Adam was sort of tight-lipped though the whole thing. Margaret and Peter and I noticed his discomfort and he wouldn't tell us what was going on. Finally, after the play, and after a late-night stop at smith's for chips and salsa, we wheedled it out of him. He HATES theater. Like, truly hates it. We were laughing so hard! Why on earth did he suggest this? It really took some convincing to get him to tell us the truth - he did not want to hurt our feelings. But he finally admitted that watching grown men put on an act on stage made him want to fight them. We were dying. And also quite touched by his generosity, that he picked something he thought we would enjoy even though he wouldn't.

Saturday was perfect - we all slept in a bit, then ate up breakfast together. I will now brag. I brought my homemade whole wheat sourdough bread, homemade mayonnaise, (my new favorite food), and tomatoes. We toasted the bread, slathered on the mayo, topped it with salted tomato and a fried egg and ...well...DAMN that is the best thing you'll ever eat. Done bragging now. Then we headed out to the Cedar Breaks monument for a stroll and some sightseeing. We sent a photo of ourselves to our significant others, and Whitley immediately began teasing us because we were all standing the exact same way:

So we went to a different place and took another picture and tried to stand differently:

Lovely place. We returned in time for Adam and Peter and I to watch the Utah football game while Margaret napped. Then time for dinner - French bistro this time, with authentic French people with whom Adam spoke authentic French. Then to the show - no pre-game Greenshow this time. Once was enough, especially knowing that Adam was a little bit miserable there.

The second play was The Taming of the Shrew. Never been one of my favorites - but I saw it in a whole new light this time. I really expected that Much Ado would be the best part of the weekend but Taming of the Shrew took the cake in my opinion. I just saw it in this much more playful light, and also the costumes were just breathtaking. And instead of just beating down the shrew to a humble mess, there was love and playfulness, with a hint of Johnny Lingo-esque "you're worth ten cows" as well as "here is a taste of your own medicine." I adored it! I think all four of us liked it better than the night before. Plus it was in the outdoor theater. Magical!

Sunday morning we didn't really want to linger - and Margaret had to leave extra extra early for a commitment in Park City. She rented her own car and left before the boys and I did. The three of us had another wonderful drive together, just talking and talking. 

What do I say? I am so incredibly grateful that Adam got the ball rolling on this, and I look forward to traveling with my siblings again next year. We only have each other - no parent to boss us around and get us together. It's up to us. I wonder what adventures we'll take? Probably no more to the theater....but it was fun to think of my parents and how much they loved this festival, and all the things my mom used to do to help us understand the shows. What sweet memories.

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