Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jeopardy, Preslar Style

"I want to go poo in the big orange box!"

What is "The most embarrassing thing you can think of for your child to be screaming at the top of her lungs as you drag her away from the park and its big orange port-a-potty on a crowded spring afternoon?"


Kelly said...

I'm so sad my kids don't say stuff like this anymore. It leaves me much less to blog about. Hilarious!

Carrie said...

Hilarious!! Who wouldn't want to poo in the big orange box?? ummmm-me.

Wendy said...

I love it!!! I know it would have made my day to hear it that day.

The Burts said...

Ah! too funny! I guess it could be worse. They could be screaming that they want to go to the bathroom somewhere "outside" of the big orange box.

- Gina