Well, not bacon exactly, but you know what I mean. Troy's coworker, Steve, has a wife, Mary, who has a family, the Morgans, who have a farm in Layton. On this farm there is a trout pond, kept stocked with fish. We were told there was an open invitation to take Stomper fishing up there, so on Saturday morning Troy took him up. I wish I had been there. There's something so delightful about watching the expression on your child's face when they are doing something they're proud of. I guess some of the fish in this pond have been around for quite some time because they were pretty massive. This guy was one of the smaller fish in there, and it was huge! Maybe 18 inches or so.
So, you know that I love cooking. I have to admit, though, that when my child handed me a huge old dead fish I was a little put off. Too much of my food comes neatly packaged from the grocery store. They try hard to make our food pretty, I think, and this fish was lacking in that department. Thank heavens for the internet because all you have to do is type in "grilled trout" and you get a thousand ideas for what to do. What we did was mix together herbs (picked from this year's garden...joy!) and olive oil and garlic, rub that all over the inside of the fish, and grill it whole for a while. It made for such a tasty dinner, with a little broccoli and some really great lemony garlicky creamy saucy stuff on the side. Well, on the side, on top, and basically slathered all over.
Anyway, it was a pleasure to see Stomper so excited about his catch and to enjoy it together as a family that same day. The kids actually ate it. Look out, Morgans, we're coming back! This time we want a BIG fish...
That is a big fish, I bet Stomper was just ecstatic.
I am so glad your kids ate it! I think trout, right after you catch it, and cook it up, is so tasty. Glad he had a good time. Looks like Troy enjoyed himself as well.
oh, p.s. I've given you a blog award. come over and check it out. :)
Awesome Fish! I love fishing and I especially love eating fish, but I don't get to do either very often, so it was fun to enjoy it vicariously.
Holy cow! That fish is huge. Maybe it's just the perspective but that fish looks bigger than Troy's nose.
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