Monday, August 15, 2011

A Date with Stomper

After our very successful roller-coaster riding at Disneyland, it became quite clear that Stomper would really dig Lagoon.  And that his sisters would not.  (At least, not all the big rides.) So Troy and I decided that Stomper needed a date to our local amusement park, and that I would be the one to take him, seeing as how I have a history of being a coaster-nut.  We went a week ago today and had a ball.  Mostly.  I'm just going to say one thing about me and roller coasters.  The old grey mare...she ain't what she used to be.  It's not like I got sick to my stomach at all.  More like...sick to my brain.  My brain doesn't like coaster riding any more.  But I still do.  I was so proud of Stomper!  He rode EVERYTHING and loved it all, even though he was pretty nervous at first.  In fact, the first attraction to attract us was the really really old rickety roller coaster.  So old that the only name it goes by is the....Roller Coaster.  Stomper was standing in front of me in line and I had my arms around him.  My hand was on his chest and I could feel his heart just absolutely hammering.  I wondered how he was going to do, and much to my joy and delight he really enjoyed everything.  It was so lovely to spend one-on-one time with my son, to be silly all day long and just let him choose whatever he wanted.  This meant we rode the Tidal Wave multiple times and completely skipped the Horroride....fine with fact, his auntie Margaret and I did the exact same thing one legendary summer when we rode "the 'Wave" about 20 times in a row, gaining miniscule amounts of courage with every round until at last we had the guts to sit in the very back row.  Ah, memories.  Anyway, Stomper and I had a ball.  We were alone all day then met up with friends after dinner.  That worked great because I left him with the friends so I could get home to Troy and help put the girls to bed while Stomper rode and re-rode Wicked among other monster coasters until 11:00 that night.  My brain definitely could not have handled that. 

1 comment:

bella said...

you are theeeeee most awesome mom!!!! what a great date! and i hear coaster brain isn't what it used to be! :)