Thursday, July 28, 2022

Theater and Thinging Inthanity

The thought of writing this post has overwhelmed me into not blogging. Sometimes I just don't know how to describe or express a big event in life. And all blogging comes to a standstill. This is that post. 

Ok. So. Romney. It's clear, she's heavily involved in the theater department. And it's clear that she's also heavily involved in the music department. This has been true since the very beginning of her freshman year. However, there's something that I didn't know and wasn't prepared for. When covid started, it interrupted her freshman year, just before competition season started. I didn't even know really what competition season was, but it also didn't happen during her sophomore year either. So this was all new to me. I guess schools are put into districts and then regions for competitions in both music and theater, in several categories each. There are days when the kids go to be judged in their performances and if they do well in both district and region, they go on to the state level. And with Romney being a big part of both theater and choir..well....her schedule got absolutely crazy with performances. They were often during school itself, which I was not a huge fan of. We did much driving, and much waiting to go back home. I kind of hated it. Everything was just so busy. Oh yeah and that homework and practicing thing. Plus this was all going on while she was in rehearsals for the regular old spring musical at school, Beauty & the Beast, which I will blog about later.

Here's the thing, though. The kids did really really well. I'm quite disappointed I didn't get to see the performances - parents aren't allowed. I don't have photos or videos or anything. I especially wanted to see a pantomime she did with her friend Judd, which they had created two years before, but weren't able to take to competition then. So two years later they got to and I heard over and over how wonderful it was. People kept telling me that it was just wonderful and heart wrenching and made them cry. And dang it! I never got to see it! I think it was about a married couple aging together, set to the music from the movie Up. She was also in a one-act play written by a good friend, plus the choir.

I guess it was all pretty great though. The pantomime went to state and took 2nd place, plus Romney got the best character actress award or something like that. The one act play went to state and got an honorable mention, and her choir got the highest ratings possible. 

Basically, it was total insanity. All I have to show for it is this photo, which her friend took during school. It sums it all up perfectly.

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