Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Well That was Horrible

Maybe I should have named this post "All's Well that Ends Well." Because it's all fine now. But...this part of the room rebuild REALLY SUCKED.

Looking back on our room-insulation plan, we now realize what we should have done instead which would have been so much easier and much less ugly and frustrating. But since it's only our hind-sight which is 20/20, we did not do what we should have done. Instead, we bought a do-it-yourself spray-on insulation kit. Initially, we really did think this was the best idea. Oh, and I outright acknowledge that when it comes to the room, whenever I say "we," I mean Troy. He's the brains of this operation.

So yeah. We sprayed in the insulation ourselves which was horribly stressful because it was a total one-shot. Troy read the instructions several times, suited up, and just had to go for it. I stood hovering nearby to assist in any way I could, which consisted mostly of constantly running into the room to un-gum Troy's hands as they got covered in insulation. 


To say the result was disappointing is putting it kindly. I mean, the walls got insulated. But nowhere near as thickly as we had been led to believe they would. And some of it stayed sort of wet and sticky. Booo.

Troy tried to be okay with it, but in true Troy fashion, which I so appreciate, he wanted it to be right. He muddled over it for quite a while and then came to the conclusion that we could build up the spray-in insulation with rock-wool on top. It wasn't a pretty solution, and was absolutely a pain to do, but it did make the walls a lot more insulated.

Some of the insulation was so puffy and large that we had to strap it in place. And then shave off any insulation that was taller than the studs. Added some time to our project! But...what else is new.

Like I said, all's well that ends well. The room was insulated and ready for drywall!

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