Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Happy List

The Misty occasionally posts on her blog a list of the things that are currently making her happy. I have noticed that I have a happy list also these days and so I'm going to copy.

What's making me happy?

Kid Music! I have found that listening to great kids' music in the car greatly reduces the back-seat brawl. Our very favorites are the Snacktime album by the Barenaked Ladies, various Laurie Berkner CDs, and the music I'll listen to even without the kids, Justin Roberts. I especially love his Pop Fly album, though Meltdown is climbing the charts. It's so funny to see and hear the kids singing along at the top of their lungs, and Bitty will often do a very energetic lip synch.

A baby who sleeps! Never before have I experienced the miracle of having a baby whom you can put down for a nap or to bed at night and who then goes to sleep and stays asleep. I'm really not sure what the trick has been, but I'm loving my sleeping Bundle like crazy. She went like 8 1/2 hours the other night, and most nights are close to 7!!! (Please tell me I didn't just jinx myself...)

Waiting for nieces! Both of my sisters-in-law are due any moment now, and I really can't wait to meet my two new nieces. Of course it will be a while before I meet the LA baby, but I hope it isn't too long. I love this picture of Sheri, Peter's wife, holding Bundle. You can tell she just can't wait for her own baby to arrive. Plus she's got that convenient little shelf to rest the baby on. Wish I had that too...oh wait. I do. Mine just isn't so firm anymore.

Swimming Lessons! We've had many weeks in a row of swimming lessons. It's kind of been our major summer activity since I'm not really in a good place to do any big trips. The kids have both really come quite a long way. I think my favorite part of swimming this year is maybe all the teachers. They're all these adorable young adults - probably in college or late high school, and they all flirt terribly with each other. It's kind of fun to sit at the side of the pool and watch. They're great with the kids and apparently enjoy each other too!

Wednesdays! The Becky and I don't get to do many playdates during the school year so in the summer time we end up getting together a lot. This summer we've had a standing Wednesday lunch date while the kids play. Sometimes lunch lasts until dinner, which is a bonus. Our kids play so well together, thank heavens, because Becky and I play very well together too. Then on Wednesday evenings comes my show. I'm really only into one show right now - So You Think You Can Dance - the title of the show is kind of lame, but I absolutely love it. Great great dancing, for the most part. Becky plus SYTYCD make me really look forward to Wednesdays.

Blueberries! I just love buying that big box of berries every couple of weeks at Costco while they're in season. I can not get enough of them. Try this - equal parts fresh blueberries and Quaker Oatmeal Squares cereal with milk and a sprinkle of brown sugar. The cereal claims to have "just a hint" of brown sugar but Troy taught me that a hint just isn't enough. Tasty. Now I can't wait for breakfast.


Julie said...

You are on my list of things that make me happy... gonna ck out some of the music. Love the power of a happy, energetic tune :)

Bella said...

you are adorable! thank you for reminding me of all the fun little things that make life so good!

jefferies said...

Yay for happy joys!
Have you heard the kid album "here come the 123's" by They Might Be Giants. My kids and I love that one too!

Melissa said...

I love things that make me happy. We are also big fans of Snacktime by BNL.