Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Hmmm. January.'s January......  not much to blog about.

Troy and I spent the rest of our Christmas break trying to get over the flu, and actually, we still kind of are.  I'm doing better than he is at this point but we're both still sniffling and congested and headachey two whole weeks later.  The kids spent the rest of their break....basically watching t.v.  It was very exciting.  Add those lovely circumstances to the dark, cold and completely polluted January...and....yeah.  Can you say seasonal depression?  (By the way, anyone unfamiliar with the Salt Lake Valley might not know that most Januaries bring us a month of inversion in which frigid air is trapped under a haze of smog that you can taste when you bring yourself to venture outside.)

So!  What SHALL I blog about?  Let me think about it and get back to you.

1 comment:

Windybrook Spinner said...

It was sure gorgeous this morning though. I almost burst into tears because I could actually see our beautiful (but smog-trapping) mountains.