Tuesday, July 09, 2019

What a FUN Sunday! (not)

So on the Sunday before my birthday...let's see, what day would that be? May 19th? I think that's it.... Troy had a really REALLY rotten day. I pretty much did too.

This is what happened.

We were having a nice regular day. It was the early afternoon, and we were in just getting ready to take Emma to see a friend for a little while when Troy suddenly let me know that his lower back was spasming. Within minutes of trying to stretch it out or find a comfortable posture, he was in the fetal position on the living room floor, convulsing and vomiting. Turns out that I can get a bowl to a person really really fast when it's a puke emergency.

It took about an hour for Troy to decide he would let me take him to the emergency room. He was beyond miserable. We called two dear neighbors, Cuz Jason and Bobby, to come give him a blessing and help me get him to the hospital. I literally could not have done it. Troy was not mobile and he needed more than one of us to hang on to him he was shaking so hard.

So...any guesses? What was Troy's mystery illness?

You got it...Kidney Stones!

After another couple of hours involving lots of drugs, fluid, more puking and me trying to keep him breathing after the really good drugs kicked in (morphine did not really help), he had a scan which revealed two kidney stones. One was still in the kidney and one was on its way out, which was causing the problem.

We enjoyed a little more time there at the hospital before going home and getting Troy some rest and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of water with lemon juice in it. We had heard this could really help.

You know what's funny? It's now almost mid-July and he still hasn't passed a stone, nor has he had another episode of kidney stone movement. At this point we are pretty sure that all the acidic lemon juice just disintegrated the stones. At least we sure hope so - we'd prefer to never repeat that experience ever EVER again.

We figured that Troy developed these stones in part due to an amazing job he's done of shedding some pounds over the spring; more than 30! He's done a great job. But friends, if you're on a weight-loss journey be sure to not skimp on the water, okay? Because...you do not want to go through this. Trust me.

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