One does not simply move into a bedroom. Its broken ceiling and obnoxious walls must first be torn out, rebuilt and painted.
Chase hadn't even been gone for a whole week before we cleared out his old bedroom and ripped into it. I felt a little weird about it, like we were never letting him come home again or something. But of course we would be rearranging the house - our house is too small and our kids are getting too big to rope off any space to save for them. And with Romney already being a senior and planning on moving out in a year or so, we had no time to waste!
The plan is to have Romney move into the bigger bedroom after freshening it up. We were talking about just smoothing and painting the walls, but the ceiling really needed attention too - its layers of paper have been cracking and splitting for longer than I can remember, plus is has the weird sloping angle on one side. Why not just fix it all at once? Poor Troy. Of course it's so easy to say that but things are never simple with this old house. I've been trying to do as much as I can to keep the burden from being all on his shoulders. It still falls mainly on him, but believe me, I pitch in however I can and stick by his side. I hate it when I want to do something but it requires so much from him. Half the time I don't even realize how much I'm asking! Troy, you're so wonderful and I'm so grateful for you.
So here is the cleaned out room:
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