Sunday, October 02, 2022

Happy Birthday Brighton!

 Brighton LDS Girls Camp turned 100! 

Me in 1997, being very silly

There's the coolest video on YouTube about its history:

Brighton Camp Turns 100

A committee was appointed to put together a big celebration. It was actually supposed to take place last year but you know....covid. So it was postponed until this year. It really works out ok because although ground was broken in 1921, girls didn't start staying there until 1922, so celebrating in 2022 was just great!

It was quite the event - Friday evening, a devotional on temple square at the Assembly Hall where we got to see this video and hear from many of the camp's past leaders. Also we started out by singing a very boisterous camp song about Noah and the Ark, so it wasn't an especially reverent devotional. It was so fun and we lingered so long that the temple square security had to kick us out of the building at 11 and then out of temple square. We just would not go away! So a few of us went to get cheesecake in City Creek Mall and continue chatting.

Saturday was an open house up at camp itself, which was a little chaotic. I was very happy to meet up with my staff from all three of my years, '90, '91 and '97.  We walked around camp a a little and of course I took photos of my name painted in all of my homes. I loved talking with friends from other years too. So many people I love so much!

After that, my '91 year slipped off to meet at the home of Ewe-Hoo, aka Hooter, who is in a wheelchair and didn't go up to camp. We sat on her porch and talked and laughed for a long time.

Sunday was a special mention at the Music and the Spoken Word performance downtown and later that night a fireside with a member of the YW general presidency. However, Sunday was Romney's birthday, so I skipped out on all of that. 

I have written so much about Brighton and my love for that place. My heart is there. One of the most special things was being asked to share my history along with my mom's history with camp in a special memorial book. It was really lovely to find my story in the book, recording how much Brighton camp means to me and my mom. 

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