Thursday, October 13, 2022

Winner Winner

Oh yeah, other things have been happing too. I feel a little guilty that all of my posts for the past while have been solely about the boy. And...I'm not done yet. But I have to throw this in here. 

Emma has continued to take sewing lessons from the same wonderful Miss Jane. We love her so much. In August, she let her students know that they could enter a project into the state fair if they would like. Emma was excited to enter a jumper she had made, which I think turned out amazingly well. It's so nicely done with really straight and clean seams and some tricky things like gathered tiers on the skirt. So I told her I'd enter her piece. 

Of course I didn't really pay attention to the dates of the fair - I just had to run down there between other things really fast one day to drop off the dress and fill out some paperwork, and pay my $1.50 entrance fee. Then the fair opened and it was just as Chase was getting ready to go. I felt so bad, but we never did make it to see Emma's dress on display or check to see if she had won anything. There just wasn't time, and Emma reassured me that she didn't care all that much.

The fair came and went, and I had to go pick up her dress. I went on the last possible day, zipping to the fair grounds while Chase was in one of his online classes. I laughed when I picked it up because....the dress had won a first-place ribbon. And a cash prize! Wow! It was so funny that we just missed the whole thing. Want to know how much she won? Four. Dollars. Yep! The money was rolling in.

Emma was delighted that she had won. I decided to not tell her that I actually had no idea how many items had been submitted in her particular category. I mean, it could have been the only entry. Or there could have been 50. I just had no idea, and I figure that ignorance is bliss. It was just fun to tell her she won first place and hand her a big fat $4 check.

All kidding aside, I'm really thrilled for her, no matter how many other pieces she was up against. She did a great job on that dress and worked so hard on it. Yay for Emma!

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