Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Happy Birthday, Mr. Missionary


This adorable missionary had a birthday at the end of October. I can't believe my wee little preemie baby is now 21 years old. Isn't that crazy?

When Chase first left on his mission, I felt like we were constantly counting UP, like 1 month, 2 months, 3 months....and there were all of the firsts like his first Thanksgiving away, first Christmas away. Well, we are on the opposite side of that now. We are counting down. 10 months left. Both birthdays away, check! Both Thanksgivings away, check! How the heck did this all go so quickly? And yet, when I think about the entire seasons ahead of us before he comes home, it still feels like forever and ever and ever. That was exactly how my mission felt. The time behind me was faster than an overflowing river, and the time ahead of me was solid ice that would never pass. In spite of all those relations to and thoughts about time, it just keeps marching ahead at the same pace.

Here is the goofy face Elder Chase loves to pull in pretty much all mission photos. He's at his favorite little Mexican spot in his area in Spokane.

It was quite hard to know what to send for his birthday. We have already sent him loads of socks and ties and a few games and things like that. I did find a couple of treats to send his way. He had been telling us about a talk he listened to about Shackleton and his amazing survival story in Antarctica. When I was in Maine with my sister I found this little story book that I thought was very cool, and bought it for him.

Also, the 30th anniversary of Chase's all-time favorite movie came and went, and I found this magazine a few months ago. I've been saving it for his birthday every since.

And naturally, new socks. How could I not? Is it even a missionary package if there aren't socks in it? 

We are incredibly proud of Chase and so grateful for this time in his life. We miss him like CRAZY but I also know this is a time to be cherished. He recently told me that he's never been happier in his life. I know things will get more complicated when he gets home and has to juggle real life with all he's learned. so although I'm dying to see him, I also treasure this. I just love him so much. 

Happy 21st, Chase!

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