Tuesday, November 07, 2023

The Final Highschooler

There was definitely a lot of hustle and bustle surrounding the departure of her big sister, and this new high school student was very generous and patient about it, even though she had big stuff going on too!!

Yes, our Emma was finally starting at THE East High School, and was very nervous and also very excited. The scales tipped to full-on excitement late in August when she and I got to go get her schedule all worked out after a couple of kinks, and then track down her classrooms and meet her teachers. My goodness, what a wonderful group of people! They were all so nice, and so welcoming and excited. We could especially tell that her biology teacher was going to be a favorite. 

Speaking of biology, here is cute Emma hanging out with her reptilian nephew. She's been taking extremely good care of Chase's lizard and I like taking pictures of them.

Anyway, the first day of school finally did arrive, the day after Romney's birthday. Emma wore this cute brown jumper, the last thing that she made in her sewing classes with Ms. Jane! She's so cute.

Here's a photo I stole off of instagram - I just wanted to show off cute Emma at the Theater Department's opening social. I have been amazed at how quickly Emma has adjusted to the new and much bigger school. She really loves it. She is doing really well in her classes and has gotten involved in the fall play (Les Miserables). She found a new good friend on her first day, plus many other connections. There are so many kids there she loves. I am not sure if she or I am more grateful that the middle school years are behind us. Let's just say, we're both pretty grateful. 

And it's proven to be true that biology is her favorite, followed closely by French, Ensemble Choir and Orchestra, plus Language Arts and Human Geography. Wait. Basically she loves all of her classes except gym and math. 

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