Saturday, October 30, 2010

Now THAT's Good Parenting!

 When Stomper started public school I was devastated to find that our school didn't allow parents to bring homemade treats for birthdays. I understand the logic (no arsenic additives, please!) but I had always had this image in my head of the perfect platter of cupcakes complete with decadent heaps chocolate frosting. And sprinkles.  And I wasn't allowed to do it.  Instead I had to find some store bought thing; Stomper still wanted cupcakes so I'd end up with $15 of Hostess KupKakes (I spell it that way in utter mockery because I think it's a travesty for those things to be compared to real cupcakes, my apologies to Hostess and its fans.)  And I just wasn't happy.  What made it worse was that in his first year of preschool I was allowed the homemade treats and Stomper saw in the store a box of that red velvet cake mix and got very excited, so I made those.  And they were sick. 

Imagine my delight this year when his teacher, who I am growing very attached to, said that homemade treats were allowed after all.  I think she figured that making stuff homemade just had to be better for the kids than store-bought.  So finally finally I got to make real cupcakes.  The good kind.  I'll admit that there have been occasions when I have had to stay up very late whipping together some crazy thing for the kids and I get grumpy about it, shame on me.  But I was feeling nothing but blissful satisfaction when I made these beauties.  It was so fun.  And I felt like such a good mommy.  And they were so delicious. 

1 comment:

Cullen said...

Oooohhh . . . I can almost taste it through the screen!

Hmmm . . . chocolate . . . .